
Burnished Bronze, DC:UL and Future By Design are pseudonyms of the one artist, myself, Anthony Ewers. My mission is to tear through the layers of tradition which are blinding us to Yah’s truth. I believe many in the faith today are blinded in much the same way as the Pharisees and Teachers of The Law were in Yeshua’s day, because they have also put aside the commands of Yah in favour of the traditions of men (see Matthew 15:1-20/Mark 7:1-13).

I’m not afraid to be the odd one out and to stand up for what I believe in. I believe the world and African’s in particular have to repair the breaches that neglect of Yah’s truth has caused over generations, causing us to fall into a spiritual slumber and into the hand of the oppressive regimes that brought the cruelty of colonialism and the neocolonial regime of economic entrapment that is currently in place. If we don’t, we will just see our faith shift the principles of our beliefs further away from the truth, and we will subject our land and our people to more rounds of servitude from those who have little to no respect for people, the earth or Yah’s principles and truth.

The faith “which was once and for all passed onto God’s people”, was not conceived by any Pope, nor Calvin, Martin Luther, or any other person except Yahshua, The Son of God!
The faith “which was once and for all passed onto God’s people”, was not conceived by any Pope, nor Calvin, Martin Luther, or any other person except Yahshua, The Son of God!

I’m looking for people to collaborate with who share my beliefs; singers, musicians, sound engineers, photographers, videographers, graphic artists and much more. I’ll consider the merits of any productive way to spread the truth of Yah’s word through creative means!