After a 11 year break from music in which I studied and an embarked on a career in Web Development, I found myself unfulfilled at work and felt that fulfilling my purpose in life was being pushed back further and further, for the sake of career, money and pride of reputation. I decided I needed to take a break from the hamster-wheel of urban London working life.
I slipped into making music again for the 4th time, and began by putting a studio together from 2019 to 2021. In 2020 Covid-19 kicked in, and the lockdowns gave me an opportunity to explore what I wanted to write about and what style of music seemed best. I was fired up by experiences in life, in the workplace, experiences with racism in and out of work, the murder of innocent black people like Stephen Lawrence, George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, and frustrated by that lack of black voices framing the key debates of our time from a black perspective. With that said it surprised me that I slipped loosely into the genre of Reggae music with other forays into other styles.

I decided the music had to be spiritual, worship as an act of service to Yah. I began working on an album while relearning a few basic keyboard, vocal and recording skills, but progress was very slow – I had wanted to finish an album by January 2021, but I hadn’t finished recording my first song by that time. Nevertheless, the spirit within me was to persevere, and that I did.
My ambition is not to be a famous musician, or singer, but to communicate truth and to wake people up. The times we are living in are evil on top of the historical evils and the world is spinning out of control into chaos. I feel that black people have been deliberately dehumanised, abused, lied to and kept in the dark about a lot of things, and from that we have developed a negative self image. I fought against that a lot of my life on a personal level, as well as against others often negative, and I feel unjustified perceptions of me.

So for me this Burnished Bronze project is about redefining a world view from the perspective, loosely, of the Messianic faith. Scripture calls it “The Way”. The word “Christian” was never used in scripture although you find it there, that is just a word that Greek’s used when they wrote or translated scripture because they had no other way of explaining the anointed nature of followers of The Messiah.
It wouldn’t surprise me if many points of the key information about scripture are held in secret by The Vatican, whose military forerunners, the Roman Army, crushed the African continent, and later divided it up, confiscated and burned books with their European kings as allies sending in troop and mercenaries to tear down buildings structures which were part of African society. Isn’t it strange then, that Rome became the apparent capital of the world for the religion they almost destroyed? It wouldn’t surprise me if in the 300 – 400 years that passed before a full “cannon” of scripture was presented publicly, if The Vatican didn’t manipulate texts, or at least how they would be translated. We know there are elements of the text we see, and that are taken for granted in our bibles, are actually comments made by the transcribers, themselves prone to error, yet doctrine is made on the basis of them by many churches.
In terms of faith then, my roots go back to Messiah, not The Pope or Protestantism, back to the teachings of scripture which “Christianity” in a round about way follows, but strays on key points leading to generational decay of truth and ultimately lawlessness. Christianity has been used to build nations, it is a state religion, or the religion of states, thus we have the Roman Catholic Church, The Church of England etc, yet we know that the kingdom of The Messiah crushes all other kingdoms (Daniel ch2).
In terms of redefining a world view, it is important to get the scriptural basis right, and we might along the way find that we rediscover who we are! There are many hidden mysteries. The stereotypes provided for black people, and people in general today are base, commercialised, lacking in depth and substance. I’m not afraid to stand against that and dig deeper, look for the root cause of issues and take a different approach rather than just go along with the flow.
My view is, as black people we need to come out from the corrupt Catholic and Protestant religious institutions, which will continue to sanction more error leading to ungodliness, and we need to put our best minds forward, wholly dedicated to Yah, to establish a righteous movement of people, not led by a person, but by the holistic teachings of brotherhood in scripture. We’ve had many people who stand up, they die maybe through natural death or they are targetted and killed, and then the principles they stood for are not long after forgotten. People mourn the loss and the legacy limps on rather than lives on in many cases.
However, what I’ve understood is that the magnitude of the intensity and scope of the spiritual warfare and attack that the black race is under means that we can look to no one man, EVERY MAN AND WOMAN AND CHILD, needs to be armed with the knowledge to survive. In that way, there is no mourning and loss of vision and energy when a leader or key figure dies, but the movement goes on. We have to start that movement right now!
You can contribute to Burnished Bronze and help this project grow. I’ll be making new songs, podcasting and getting involved in various artistic creations to bring warning to our people and further the good news.
I don’t claim to be bringing a powerful ministry or authoritative on matters of faith, I am learning and growing, but I do pray and hope Yah blesses you and those close to you through what I do.
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