Think carefully about the doctrine of Christianity, as opposed to “The Way”. If Messiah “abolished the law on the cross”, as many people claim, then the new covenant could never have been established and Messiah’s own words were unfulfilled (Matt 5:17-20). How can people put their hope in a saviour whose words have apparently failed? How will that affect our trust if what The Messiah has said cannot fully be trusted?
The new covenant is Yah’s laws written in our hearts – Jer 31/Heb 8 makes this clear. Don’t think Yah found fault with his law, no, scripture says he found fault with the people. Furthermore, it wouldn’t be possible to write what had already been abolished in our hearts. Christians, logically, really must believe that the new covenant will never be established. Maybe I’m over-thinking it, but the way I see it, the doctrines of Christianity are entirely confused. The Apostle Peter (Kefa) said this:
2 Peter 3:15–16 (CJB): And think of our Lord’s patience as deliverance, just as our dear brother Sha’ul (Paul) also wrote you, following the wisdom God gave him. Indeed, he speaks about these things in all his letters. They contain some things that are hard to understand, things which the uninstructed and unstable distort, to their own destruction, as they do the other Scriptures.
Lawfulness and obedience to Yah’s commands doesn’t lead to destruction or death (Rev 12:17 & 14:12), but rather it is sin that leads to death (Rom 6:23).